Complicated starts and fabulous friends

As Bilbo Baggins already said, adventures start the moment you step out your door. Our proble- I mean, adventures, started when we wanted to leave the country. Our original plan was very sound, we were planning to go to Munich the day the before we flew to Dushanbe, Tajikistan. We were to spend the night with friends living there, and then take the plane the next afternoon.


Which we tried.


We first thought something might be up the night before, as I tried to check the terminal on the airport site. I couldn’t find out flight. Just a glitch on the website, I thought. However, as we arrived at the airport, we were told our flight doesn’t exist. To say we were shocked is putting it mildy. It turned out that our flight had been cancelled and nobody had let us know. What now? Unfortunately, the airline’s hotline went directly to mailbox. We emailed and texted everyone we could think of, including the airport representatives of the airline, but I the end there was nothing for it- we returned to our friends’ place. We were stumped.


Thankfully, by evening, the airline answered one of our queries- over F

acebook, of all places. The told us they rebooked us on a flight on Monday. Our fantastic friends graciously offered us their guestroom for any other few nights, so we spent the following days walking through Bavarian small towns, and entertaining their ridiculously sweet little boy.


The flight in itself went well. We boarded late, and flew for 6 hours. Apparently, the Tajik experience begins as soon as you board the train. The row before us was occupied by young ladies that turned out to be stewardesses returning homw from their last flight. They took personal interest in the fact that we should be enjoying our flight to the fullest and supplied us with additional food and snacks during the flight. Such service! So far, our Tajik adventure is going well.



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