Roll &


The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say


Two people, one road, a million things that could go wrong

We are Fred (37 years) and Olga (30 years), a couple from Germany on our way to travel parts of the world, some of which are not quite mainstream.

This blog is mainly for friends, and family, who want to see regular updates and join us on our journey. If you’re simply curious or need some advice about the regions we are travelling to, you’re very welcome to join the party and get in touch!

My journeys

Madras Madness

The main reason people go to Uzbekistan is for the history. You go to Kyrgyzstan for the horses, to Tajikstan…

Almaty, again.

Almaty, again.

There was a point in our travels where the end of the planned part of our journey was looming nearer…

A taste of Tashkent

A taste of Tashkent

Tashkent was our next big destination, one we have been looking forward to ever since people have told us how…

Gender rolls

Gender rolls

This one is for the people who actually care about the “roll” part of our “roll and travel”.  To recap,…

Cavorting in Kazakhstan

Cavorting in Kazakhstan

After our Bishkek trauma, we hopped on a bus (again) and rode it all the way into the next country-…

Bishkek Blues

Bishkek Blues

So after all that nature stuff – hiking, horse riding, eagles, mountains and such – we thought we were ready…